Why does everyone hate journalists?

Why does everyone hate journalists?

Have you actually ever met a journalist? Talked to one? Or is your hatred just a blanket one of the media, fuelled by social media?

Contrary to popular belief, most journalists are not self-regarding repositories of privilege.

Most are something else entirely, but the problem is, you don’t know them.

You haven’t heard of them and you don’t know their names. Nonetheless there they are, working tirelessly on unremarkable salaries, in newsrooms all over the world.

Nic Dawes of Human Rights Watch argues that the distrust of the media and journalists is no spontaneous outburst, rather that outrage is now being “deliberately manufactured” on an alarming new scale.

And it’s clear why certain governments and public figures might find it politically expedient for people to mistrust journalists.

They are — in the main — the product of solid writers and seasoned investigators who can provide context, connect dots, sort fact from fiction.

You don’t have to like all the press. Whether it's Buzzfeed, the BBC or New York Times, it’s up to you.

Freedom of the press underpins all freedoms - and that freedom is part of your own.